Tea Varietals


Black Tea

antioxidant, promotes a healthy heart, reduces blood pressure and stroke risk, helps lower blow sugar levels

Green Tea

anti-inflammatory, lowers cholesterol, reduces stroke risk, promotes weight loss, supports heart health

Oolong Tea

promotes weight loss, reduces blood sugar levels, promotes healthy heart functions, removes free radicals, reduces stress


White Tea.

rich in antioxidants, lowers risk of heart diseases, supports weight loss, anti-bacterial, lowers blood sugar, protects against osteoporosis


Rooibos Tea

antioxidants, improves heart health, balances blood sugar level, improves digestion, increases bone strength, aid in sleep, reduces allergy symptoms




Basil: source of vitamins A and C, reduces stress and anxiety, enhances metabolism, lowers blood sugar, anti-inflammatory, relieves joint pain, promotes gut health

Butterfly Pea: Inhibits glucose intake, anti-microbial, reduces stress & anxiety, relieves pain and swelling, reduces fever, anti-aging, improve eyesight, promotes hair growth

Calendula: anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, boosts immune system, aids in menstruation, anti-microbial

Chaga: lowers blood sugar, anti-aging, lowers cholesterol, lowers blood pressure, boost immunity, anti-inflammatory, prevents drug side effects

Chamomile: reduce menstrual pain, helps lower blood sugar, anti-inflammatory, helps with relaxation

Chicory root: prebiotic, aiding in good gut health

Cinnamon: full of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, helps lower blood sugar levels, antibacterial, anti-fungal

Coconut: antioxidants, hearth health

Coriander: lowers blood sugar, boosts immunity, heart health, boosts brain function, improves digestion, helps fight infection

Dandelion root: reduces water weight, soothes digestion issues, improves skin health

Fennel: promotes healthy bones, helps control hypertension, promotes a healthy heart, boosts immunity, anti-inflammatory, increases metabolism, promotes healthy digestion, increase iron absorption

Grapefruit: high in fiber and antioxidants, boosts immune system, aids in weight loss, helps reduce insulin resistance, heart healthy

Guarana seeds: high in antioxidants, reduces fatigue, brain booster, aids in weight loss, heart healthy, promotes healthy skin, anti-bacterial, anti-aging

Ginger: relieves nausea, strengthens immunity, relieves stress, anti-inflammatory, improves respiratory health

Jasmine: boosts energy, aids in weight loss, relieves stress, reduces aches and pains, improves immunity, promotes better skin

Lavender: soothes nausea, boosts mood, helps decrease anxiety, aids in relaxation

Lemon: aids in digestion, maintains blood sugar levels, pack with Vitamin C and antioxidants, eliminates toxins from the body, treats cold and flu symptoms, promotes healthy heart function, antiseptic, improves digestive health, improves insulin and iron absorption

Lemon Balm: helps relieve stress, reduces anxiety, combats restlessness, improves digestion, treats nausea, minimizes menstrual cramps, boosts cognitive functions, relieves headaches

Lemon Verbena: strengthens muscles, reduces inflammation, aids in digestion, reduces fevers, alleviates congestion

Lemongrass: has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, relieves bloating, promotes healthy digestion, acts as a diuretic, aids in weight loss, relieves PMS symptoms

Lion’s Mane: brain function, dementia, anti-depression, anti-anxiety, heart health, anti-inflammatory, immunity boost

Mint: improves digestion, alleviate indigestion issues, combat cold symptoms

Mugwort: boosts energy, liver health, gut health, mood booster, calming, relieves fatigue, anti-anxiety, regulates menstrual cycle

Nutmeg: contains antioxidants, antibacterial, & anti-inflammatory properties, possible mood booster and could help control blood sugar.

Orange: fiber, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B6, calcium

Reishi Mushroom: boosts immunity, anti-cancerous, fights fatigue, anti-depression, increases heart health, controls blood sugar, rich in antioxidant

Rose: boosts immune system, reduces stress and anxiety, improves digestion, ease menstrual pain

Senna: relieves constipation, anti-inflammatory and anti-parasitic

Soursop: high in antioxidants, decreases blood sugar, anti-microbial, lowers blood pressure, boosts immune system

Stinging Nettle: contains all essential amino acids, anti-inflammatory, lowers blood pressure, eases hay fever, helps control blood sugar levels, improve liver health, natural diuretic, and high in calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium and sodium

Sorrel (also known as Jamaican hibiscus): reduces pain, promotes respiratory health, lowers blood cholesterol, antioxidant

Star of Anise: rich in antioxidants, good source of vitamins A & C, improves digestion, reduces nausea

Turkey Tail Mushroom: helps fight against certain cancers, boosts immune system, anti-inflammatory, increase stamina, improves gut health, rich in antioxidants, prebiotic

Turmeric: anti-inflammatory, powerful antioxidant, anti-cancerous, brain booster, healthy skin

Yerba mate: energy booster, improved mental focus, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic, weight loss booster, boosts immune system, helps with blood sugar